Woof! From Remi and I

Hi there folks! I have the cutest pupper named Remington aka Remi. He is my baby, and is always doing the goofiest things so I figured we should share that with you all!

I have had Remi since January 7, 2017, he was a last minute Christmas present, but one I had been wishing for every year since the age of five. My family has had lots of dogs, but I wanted one of my own to bond with and train myself. Remi has been, well, quite the handful, but he is also the sweetest, most loyal dog, and I am so happy to have him in my life.

When Remington was six months old, I would leave him in our fenced yard while I ran errands so that he didn't have to be in his indoor kennel, which made perfect sense...at the time. When I got home one day, I noticed that he had been exploring, tearing up a plant, gnawing on a table leg, then I walked further out into the yard and start to become a little suspicious. How in the world did the hose get onto the lawn??  While I was away, Remi had came across a hose on the side of the house and decided that playing his favorite game, tug-of-war, would be a great way to pass the time. This, I was quick to find out, resulted in him ripping the entire faucet out of the side of the house with water spewing all over the place, resembling a miniature fire hydrant! Needless to say I was very grateful for my father's handyman skills, even though he was less than pleased about the whole ordeal.

That is only one of many incidents in Remington's younger years.

Just wait, more stories to come!


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