Dog Park Disaster

Yesterday, Remi's Instagram buddy was attacked by two dogs at his local dog park. The dogs (I won't specify breeds to avoid stereotypes) were from the same household. Their owner was holding one by the collar and told another owner that this dog displayed aggression towards some dogs, but not all, and so they wanted to see how he would do at the dog park. As soon as my friend heard this she called her 4 month old Goldendoodle puppy Hunter, over, deciding to leave and not take any chances. Her pup is as friendly and sweet as can be, and as she was approaching him to leave, he went over and sniffed the dog being held by the owner. The dog immediately grabbed Hunter by the neck and locked in, refusing to let go despite both owners hitting him and trying to pry his mouth open. As this was happening, the other dog from the aggressive dog's household noticed what was going on and ran over to join in on attacking Hunter. This dog was much larger than the first and went after Hunter's tummy and "other" parts. After a few long minutes, the dog let go of the pup's neck and my friend scooped him up and sprinted to her car, driving him straight to the animal hospital. She said he was screaming and crying the whole time and she can't get those sounds out of her head.

The vet examined Hunter and then sent him straight into surgery. His entire side had to be shaved and stitched up. He is in a lot of pain right now, but he is on the mend. His mom and dad signed him up for dog therapy to begin in a few weeks once his wounds heal slightly. We are hoping that he won't have long term behavior issues if he starts therapy right away. This poor puppy is only 4 months old and is the happiest, most trusting little boy ever so it would be easy to understand if he becomes extremely fearful or aggressive towards other dogs after this traumatizing experience.

On a positive note, Hunter's Momma started a go fund me for his expensive veterinary bills and people have been so generous! Their original goal has already been passed 3 times over! In case you want to donate I will include the link below.

Best Prayers and Wishes of Recovery for both Hunter and his Mom❤


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